In reading Jane’s post about cooperative learning – I really got to hear about a vastly different approach to the course material than my own groups. As my group’s own learning resource is centered around creativity and art projects; it was very interesting to read a post that discussed economics and public goods. In particular, I found Jane’s point about expert groups to be of immense value when they say, “ the students who take the same role in the group can break the boundaries of the group and further form an expert group.” The concept of students doing the same subject all altogether to then further their learning to the point of mastery that then benefits the group as a whole is something I found to be very relevant. It made me think of how within our learning pods we all choose a different learning theory to research, but each group had someone study that particular learning theory. Meaning that if all the people who researched a specific type of learning were to converge and share knowledge – within the group setting of our class we would have multiple expert groups that are about each separate learning theory. That just reflects how we can see the theories we are learning about be applied in real-time as we go further into the semester.
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